Monday, July 4, 2011

The Bardy Bunch

I am thrilled to announce that I'll be directing the world premiere of The Bardy Bunch, Stephen Garvey's theatrical mash-up of "The Brady Bunch," "The Partridge Family," and the works of William Shakespeare. There will be singing, dancing, and buckets of blood. The play is part of the the 15th Annual Fringe NYC Festival and will be playing for five performances in August at the Ellen Stewart Theater. I'll post more info as we get closer to opening. For now, off to watch some Partridge Family episodes while reading Titus Andronicus!

For more info go

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kickstarter campaign for "The Adventures of Paul and Marian"

I am very excited to announce the Kickstarter campaign for my new feature film "The Adventures of Paul and Marian!" You can see and make your pledge at the link below. This is a super low budget project so every single dollar helps. Come join the revolution -- the independent film revolution, not the violent destructive kind!